What are My Options For Breast Implant Removal?

Your breast implants can be removed with or without the associated capsule of scar tissue, which refers to a fibrous “shield” that forms around an implant. This scar tissue is the body’s natural reaction to a foreign object being placed in the body and generally only warrants removal if the capsule is hard, tight, or painful. Breast “explantation,” which is the most common removal technique and refers to the extraction of the implant as well as the implant capsule, typically takes one to three hours and utilizes general anesthesia.

What is the Breast Implant Removal Recovery Process Like?

Recovery after breast implant removal will vary from patient to patient depending on which technique was utilized and whether scar tissue was extracted. In general, discomfort during the healing process may be relatively higher if scar tissue was removed in conjunction with your implants. In any case, non-opioid oral pain medication can manage any bruising, swelling, or tenderness that arise after surgery. These reactions are to be expected, but they usually subside as your recovery progresses.

Most women are able to return to their normal routines—that is, office work, school, errands, etc.—one week after their procedure. More strenuous types of work may have to be avoided for a slightly longer period of time. We advise you to refrain from any sort of heavy lifting (including grocery bags), aerobic exercise, or strenuous activity for at least four weeks, or until instructed otherwise. A significant amount of downtime after breast implant removal is usually very rare.

At Plastic Surgery of the Carolinas, your health, safety, and overall happiness are our top priorities. If you would like to discuss your concerns in person, or if you would like to schedule a consultation for the removal of your breast implants, please contact our practice today.

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