HomeBlogHow Breast Sizers Can Increase Patient Satisfaction

How Breast Sizers Can Increase Patient Satisfaction

At my plastic surgery practice and through my own observations, I have found that despite cultural differences in different parts of the country and the world, all too often plastic surgeons in the United States tend to over-augment when it comes to breast augmentation. More and more women are seeing breast augmentation results that look unnatural and disproportionately large. While some of these over-augmentations may be patient-driven, I feel it behooves us as plastic surgeons to not only make our patients happy, but also to use our knowledge, expertise, and aesthetic judgment in helping our patients make the best decision about what breast size most suits their proportions aesthetically.

I have found that the silicone shaped sizers that are available help our patients get a sense of what their new breasts are likely to look like in a bra after surgery. These sizers are used during the consultation process to give women a realistic idea of the results they can expect. If the 450 sizer looks closer to what a patient is envisioning compared to a 350, a 450 High Profile implant might be a better choice than a 350 Moderate Plus Profile implant for that particular patient, even though both implants might be a good “fit” for that patient in terms of implant dimensions.

I also routinely use sizers during surgery since, no matter how much experience we have as surgeons, we can never precisely predict how a particular breast implant will look in a patient’s breast until it is inserted during the procedure itself. My main priority during any breast augmentation is to do everything I can to ensure my patients are ecstatic with their final appearance. Ultimately, we want to maximize patient satisfaction and help them achieve the exact aesthetic they are seeking.

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