HomeBlogWhat’s the Best Way to Tighten the Face and Body Without Surgery?

What’s the Best Way to Tighten the Face and Body Without Surgery?

ThermiRF™ is a temperature-regulated radiofrequency (RF) generator system cleared by the FDA to help tighten and rejuvenate skin in numerous areas of the face and body. At our practice, our board certified plastic surgeons offer three advanced ThermiRF™ treatments, all of which can help patients achieve their skin tightening and smoothing goals without the discomfort and/or downtime often associated with surgical techniques. Below is a list of our ThermiRF™ treatments followed by the specific regions of the body that can be targeted by each.

  • ThermiTight™ – This minimally invasive technique can be used to tighten skin in the back, chest, arms, face and neck, flanks, and even breasts.
  • ThermiSmooth™ – This non-invasive technique can be employed to smooth skin in both the neck and face, including the eyelids, forehead, below the eyes, and around the mouth.
  • ThermiVa™ – This non-invasive technique can be utilized to tighten skin of the labia majora and labia minora, as well as to address laxity and/or decreased mucosal lubrication inside the vaginal canal, along with urinary stress incontinence and orgasmic dysfunction.

If you are interested in any of these ThermiRF™ treatments, we encourage you to contact our office to schedule a consultation. Following a thorough evaluation of your specific needs and desires, Dr. Rowin can help you determine which technique may be the most beneficial for your unique goals.
